10. Solidago

On the tenth position, you will be served with the appearance of Solidago. Some people also all it as Goldenrod. Some other terms for this flower may also include Golden Fleece and also Fireworks. If you want to grow it on your garden, you may need to know that the USDA hardiness zone is around 3 up to 9.
9. Sedum

Sedum or Stonecrop is placed on the ninth position of the most popular flower. This flower is suitable for the home owner who wants to enjoy its beautiful blooming along the year. The maintenance of this flower is not complicated. You just have to plant it by applying the rules of the hardiness zone which is located on the rate of 3 up to 9.
8. Heliopsis

On the eighth place of the most popular flower, you will see the Heliopsis or False Sun Flower. The appearance of this flower resembles the look of Helianthus. The blooming of the flower can last up to eight weeks occurred in the beginning of the season.
7. Helianthus

On the seventh position, you may get Helianthus or Perennial sunflowers filla the seventh position of the most popular flower. This is a great option to have if you want to attract and impress not only the human but also some interesting animals like hummingbird and also butterfly.
6. Helenium

Helenium takes the sixth position of the most popular flower. The USDA hardiness zone of this flower is situated on the level of 3 up to 9. There are some colors that you may pick such as yellow, red and also burnt orange.
5. Eupatorium

Eupatorium is also called as Joe Pye weed. This flower can be grown wildly on some parts of the road. If you take this flower on your garden, you may see how interesting it will carry the feeling.
4. Chrysanthemum

On the fourth position, you will view Chrysanthemum. You may need to plant this flower in the USDA rate in the level of 3 up to 9. There are many colors that you may get as selection. White is the most prominent one planted in the garden.
3. Chelone

Chelone is popular with the term of Turtlehead since you may see that the top of this flower resembles the look of a turtle. When you cultivate this flower on the garden, you need to make sure that it will never have too much heating from the sun.
2. Caryopteris

Caryopteris or Blue Mist Shrub is located on the second position of the most popular flower. The flower is available in blue color and the blooming activity can be seen during August. The animals like bee or butterfly can damage the beauty of this flower. So, you need to get rid of them.
1. Aster novi-belgii

Aster novi-belgii or Michaelmas daisy takes the first position of the most popular flower in the garden. There are some colors as choices. You may pick purple, dusky pink, white or even blue. The USDA hardiness zone that you need to concern is located in the level of 4 up to 9.