1. Organism X

The first most important technology invented in this era is called as Organism X. The person who is able to create such unicellular microorganism is J. Craig Venter from New York State University. Organism X is considered as a great invention since it is regarded as a new kind of living creature which has been made by a human being.
2. AIDS Drugs

The AIDS Drug is placed as the second most important technology. Even though the drug is not able to eradicate the AIDS in 100 per cent, you may see that this drug is the greatest achievement by the scientist. It effectiveness is measured in 31 per cent.
3. Witricity

The next most important technology which benefits the human life is the witricity. This is considered as the first wireless electric technology offering the home owner with a great solution of getting the power in wireless ways. The receiver and transmitter embedded in this product are so compact and small.
4. LED Light

This next invention is also considered as the most important technology in the world. The LED light is so beneficial since it can bring the great amount of lighting. If you get 10 watt of LED light, you may perceive that it can brighten your room look like a 60 W conventional lighting system.
5. Infrared Telescope

The infrared telescope is included as the most important technology. This telescope has given valuable effect in astronomy than in any other fields. For many years, the part of the sky is not able to be perceived, but the invention of this telescope has lessened such difficulty.
6. Quantum Computers

The Quantum computer is the next most important technology. Google has made a cooperation to build such computer with computer Dwave. This computer is not like any other computers found in the market. It allows the users to enjoy the processing of the data entry in super fast speed.
7. Personal GPS

The next valuable invention is the personal GPS. This GPS is so functional in our daily life. It can track your missing thing up to 3 meters in accurate and precise position. It is also helpful to guide the people who have just come into a first place. Sometimes GPS that you may find today is integrated with Google for more interesting features.
8. Robot

The next important technology that you have seen in the TV or magazine is a robot. Even though it has been invented long time ago, the development of such invention is still continued. Robot is considered to replicate and mimic the movement of the human. One of the best robots that you may see is Humanoid Robot Asimo from Honda.
9. Flash Disk

Flask disk is the next invention which has blown the mind of the people since its first releasing. The time of floppy disk has been over now. You will be able to save up to 40 GB of data right away from the small and tiny flask disk. Isn’t that incredible?
10. Electric Cars

The last most important technologies that you need to know is the electric cars. This automotive breakthrough is intended to save the fossil fuel and make the earth healthier than before. This most important technology invention is adopted by many brands like Toyota, Audi, Honda and also Kia.