10 Most Dangerous Animals in the World

Here, I am going to give you cool information about 10 most dangerous animals in the world according to the number of death they have made. You might be surprise that our first killer is the smallest animal on the list

10. Poison dart frog
10 Most Dangerous Animals in the World
Our first killer has a cute colorful skin and they are easy to be spotted. But don’t get trick, their skin composes deadly pigment. if they want to kill us, all they have to do is hitting their skin to ours. If one extracted the poisonous compound on their skin, they could used it to kill 10 men instantly.

9.African Buffalo
African Buffalo is aggressive when they feel we threat them. In average, one adult African buffalo is 1,7 meters high and weighting 1,5 tons. Their sharp horn, strong bones combine with their muscular power is killing for any men

8.Polar bear.
Polar bear is an aggressive hunter and most time is hungry. This carnivore has outstanding smelling sense and they could attack or smack any men when their stomach is empty.

7. African Elephant
African Elephant is one of the biggest animals in the world and sometimes they can be so unfriendly. One adult elephant can be 16 tons in weight. On their bad mood, elephant could kill hundreds of men with their heavy legs.

6. Saltwater crocodile
Saltwater crocodile is one of the carnivores with the strongest jaw. Nearly all living that trapped in their mouth unable to get out from it unless they are dead. They can swim like a dolphins and they can reach 1,6 tons when adult. Inside their eyes, human are no different from monkey.

5. African lion
African Lion is one of the most aggressive feline on the wild. In Africa, they kill around 70 men each year. Sure, in the zoo, they are more human friendly.

4. Great White Shark
Great white shark is an ultimate killer by nature. Their sensor, their taste and their anatomy is designed to kill living things. Great white shark is one of the most aggressive attackers in the ocean. Human is not out of their target list.

3. Square/Box Jellyfish
Box Jellyfish is one of the most elegant killers in the wild. They do not need any intention to kill before murdering human with their venom. In nature, one box jellyfish has 50 tentacles. Every tentacle is 15 feet long and it composes enough poisonous acid to murder 50 people in agony. It is recorded that more than 5,560 men dead because their attack since 1884.

2. Asian Cobra
Asian Cobra is second most dangerous animal on earth. Each year, around 50 thousand people death because of their fangs. They do not eat human though. They attack men as a defense mechanism. Kill or to be killed. That should be on their little brain before strike men with his/her fangs

1. Mosquito
Yes it is true. The most lethal animal on earth or the most dangerous animal in the world is no other than mosquito. In human history, mosquitoes have killed more human than any other animal in human history. Millions of people died because of their proboscis.