This is the detail:
10.Pokemon Black / White Version (DS)4.5 millions

Another Pokemon franchise was released on September 18, 2010 and public buy it like crazy. Pokemon Black / White Version is less than 2 months old and it already hit 4.5 millions copies. The number will certainly changes in the next couple of weeks
9.Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii) 4.7 millions

Since the game was released in May 23, 2010. total 4.7 millions copies of Super Mario Galaxy 2 have sold and played. This record number is a happy news for Nintendo and the fact is surely envy Nintendo`s competitor
8.Wii Fit Plus (Wii) 5.8 million

After had been released in October 2009, this year, Wii Fit Plus hit 5.8 millions copies. That record sale is a great achievement and it erased the old total sales of Wii Fit plus and rewrite it to 14.4 millions copies
7.Pokemon Heart Gold / Soul Silver Version (DS) 5.9 millions

With this Game, Nintendo, once again, profiting good sales and revenue. After the game was released in September, 2009, 9.4 millions copies have been sold out. In 2010 alone, 5.9 millions Pokemon Hearth gold/Soul silver unit have distributed to Nintendo`s fans and consumer
6.Halo: Reach (X360) 6.1 millions

This video game was released on September 14, 2010. Amazingly, Only took 9 weeks for the game to reach 6.1 millions copies sold. Although This game not always welcomed with a positive review, it is good for Microsoft that the game finally break 6 millions copies before next Christmas
5.Red Dead Redemption (Multiplatform) 6.6 millions

Red Dead Redemption was released on May 18, 2010. Since that time, the game have earned critiques and applause. Beside all those stuff, it is good news that the game not hit a bad record sale.With Xbox Platform, the game hits 3.6 millions record sale and with PS3, it hits 3 millions copies so far.
4.New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Wii) 6.7 millions

New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Wii), another successful game from Nintendo, has recorded 6.7 million sale copies since January 2010. This number makes the total sales of New Super Mario jump to level 16.6 millions copies since the game was released in the first quarter 2004
3.Wii Sports Resort (Wii) 7.3 millions

Basically, Wii Sport Resort is the other edition of Wii sport. With good promotions and several improvements, the game becomes popular and successful. Until November 2010, 7.3 millions copies of Wii sport resort have sold. This count totaling the sale number of Wii sport resort to 19.7 millions copies worldwide.
2.Wii Sports 8.9 millions

After Nintendo released their new Wii sport console in the last 2006, Wii sports begun to follow the popularity of Mario bros and surpassed it. This year 8.9 millions Wii sport video game have sold to public. This number contribute new total sales number of Wii sport game to level 66.900.000 copies since its first series in 2006
1.Call of Duty: Black Ops (Multi-platform) 9.4 millions

Call of Duty has a really great acceptance this year. Since it was launched in November 9, 2010, total 9.4 million copies had been purchased across multiple platforms (5,362,003 copies for Xbox 360, PS3 – 3,769,572 copies for PS3, and 279,107 copies for PC). Amazingly, all that copies were sold out only in the 1st 7 day after the game released. That amazing record brings the game as the biggest and the most favorite video game of this year.