
Snake character or also called Solid snake is the central protagonist character of Metal Gear Solid from Konami. Solid Snake popularity is renowned for years and according to one of the most trusted video game polling, Famitsu polling, Snake won the chart of most popular video game character

Street Fighter is a classic video game and one of the most remembered character on the video game is Ryu . the character of Ryu and his famous hadoken is already attached in the head of many people although not all of them playing the street fighter video game.
08. Link

In front of millions of Legend of Zelda fans, Link is a character that is most remembered and recognized. Link and his mission to save princess Zelda already magnetized millions of Nintendo user and that what make the character very popular
07 Sonic.

Back to old time, Sonic was created by Sega to compete the popularity of Mario from Nintendo Company. That mission was quite success. Sonic character and his flash superpower became popular and attracted millions fans. It is no doubt that Sonic is one of the most popular video game characters in this world.
06. Mario.

No one denies the popularity of Mario in Super Mario Bros video game. This game is one the most successful video game in the history and Mario Character took a big portion in the video game popularity.
05. Master Chief

Following the popularity of Halo video games, the popularity of Master Chief Character also started to grow. Electronic gaming monthly ranked this character in 8 position and they are not joking for it. His character is predicted will match the popularity of Lara croft and snake in the near future

In the 7 position of 10 most popular video game characters according to Electronic Gaming Monthly, you will find name Cloud on the chart. Cloud character as a good guy with a big sword was known since Final Fantasy VII. His popularity is growing since that time and I can`t see any reason that can stop it’s grow right now

Kratos is a video game character from Sony Entertainment company. He was known for the first time in the God of War video game in 2005. His “sympathetic antihero” character mesmerizes thousand God of war fans and spectators. Sony Entertainment made a good decision to pick this fierce figure as Kratos of the God of War
02.Mega man

The Mega man was launched since 1987 and it is recorded that 28 millions copies of Mega man series video games have been sold worldwide. As the lead character of the game, Mega man is the first character that connect the game it self and the players. It is known that mega man is one of the most recognized and beloved character in video game industry.
01.Lara Croft

In the Game, she is very popular and in the movie, she hit box office. Lara Croft is very strong video game character that has energies to be popular beyond video gaming world. Guinness World recorded Lara Croft as the “most official real life stand-ins” and “the most recognized female video game character”. There is No other video game character can go this far