Polar bear is the animal in extreme temperature. Can you mention more about the kinds of animals which can live in such rough condition? In this post, I will provide you with the top 10 animals that can live in the cold temperature. All of them are able to survive in a very cold environment for months during the winter.
10. Arctic tern
Arctic tern is placed on the tenth position of the animal in extreme temperature. The wings of these animals are narrow and long, while the legs are so short. What about the color? You will be served with some gray accent located on the mantle and belly, whereas the white color is available in the face.
9. Polar Bears
Polar Bears take the ninth position of the animal in extreme temperature. Most of them live in Arctic location. The animals are big and have white fur. Most of them are good swimmers. Their speed is up to 25 miles per hour on the first burst into the water.
8. Walrus
Walrus is the next animal in extreme temperature living in some parts of the world like in the Arctic environment as well as Northern hemisphere. These mammals love to live in cold area. They can swim because they have flippers.
7. Ringed Seals
Ringed Seals are the seventh animal in extreme temperature. Most of these animals live in northern hemisphere. This small seals usually build an ice cave intended to secure their pups from any predators. The biggest enemy hunting these animals is polar bear.
6. Harp Seals
Harp Seals is set on the sixth position of the animal in extreme temperature. You will like to see the pups of this animal since they have white, clean, and fluffy fur. Most children like to have a harp seal doll.
5. Spotted Seals
Spotted Seals gain the fifth position of the animal in extreme temperature. You may see these animals live in some places like the Bering Sea, North Pacific Ocean, and also the Sea of Okhotsk.
4. Narwhals
Narwhals are the animal in extreme temperature that you may find in Arctic surrounding. The color is so pale. The funny fact is that it only has two teeth. The main food of this animal is in the form of squid, shrimp and also fish.
3. Orcinus orca
Orcinus orca takes the third position. This killer whales love to eat squid, fish and also seabirds. Most animals which live on the ice environment will be scared to see the appearance of these animals since they are considered as one of the deadly predators.
2. Beluga Whale
On the second place of the animal in extreme temperature, you may see the Beluga Whale. Some people love to call these animals with some terms like the squid hone, white whale, and also sea canary.
1. Arctic Fox
Arctic Fox takes the top place of the animal in extreme condition. Most of the species of these animals can live up to -58 F. They have white and pure color. As a result, they can use it as camouflage since the color can blend with the look of the ice and snow.