7. Tadmor Military Prison-Syria

The history of this prison goes many decades back. Moreover, the prison has also been the center of having the most dangerous prisoners in the history of the country. There is also no sort of gate from which you can a ground level access into or out of the prison. But the one thing which makes this jail to be inhumane is the kind of treatment that is offered to the prisoners. For this reason, it has been criticized by various human rights organizations in the world.
6. Fuchu Prison-Japan

Being the largest prison in the land of the rising sun, Fuchu Prison is not the place where you would love to be. In order to ensure that the prisoners remain inside at all times, the authorities make use of a number of security mechanisms and locking systems, which cannot be tackled by even the most experienced jail breakers.
5. Arthur Road Prison-India

Located in the Mumbai, this prison is regarded to be the most secure jail in India. Moreover, it is also considered to be the most durable structure, as it has been designed to withstand even the whims of most advanced weapons and bombs.
4. La Sante Prison-France

The French authorities state that no one can ever imagine to escape from this jail. Not so long ago, a number of prisoners tried to escape by making use of the drainage system, but failed to tackle the complex interior structure. Most of them had died in the tunnels due to suffocation, while others had been recaptured.
3. Federal Correctional Complex-United States

This prison complex is located in Indiana and is believed to be the most highly equipped facility in the region. In addition to having a number of surveillance mechanisms, all of the camera have been designed to offer a 360 degree view of the surroundings. You can escape the human eye, but going around the security systems in this jail is really not possible. Moreover, a number of movement detection devices have also been placed around the prison. In lines to the kind of top class security the prison offers, it can be termed as one of the most difficult prisons to break.
2. Alcatraz Prison-USA

Although the prison had been shut down in the year 1963, still the horrific stories related to it are famous all around the country. The reason for the fame of this prison can be linked to the criminals who were kept here including Al Capone, Whitey Bulger and many more. A number of prisoners had tried to escape the facility, but almost all of them had failed. There are some of them who were never accounted for, but it was presumed that they died by drowning.
1. ADX Florence-USA

ADX Florence is surely the most secure high security jail on the globe. This is the one place where all the convicts and criminals hate to be kept, primarily because the prisoners in the jail are forced to stay in separate lockers 24/7. Moreover, there is also no sort of direct access to any cell. Being at the number 1 spot in terms of the high security prisons in the world, ADX Florence remains the most brutal and feared among the criminals.