1. Dogs

The first position of the most popular pet is filled by dogs. Not only in USA but also in other parts of the world, dogs become the main popular pet. Dog is considered as the human being’s best friend for last the couple years. Playing with a dog can be a great activity to do.
2. Cats

One the second position of the most popular pet, you may guess that it is located by cats. Some people consider that a cat is a very confusing animal for its characters often change within minutes. Can you remember when the cat really wants to touch you with passion, then within seconds it pulls you away? However, cats can be an interesting pet to hug at home.
3. Birds

Bird is situated in the third position of the most popular pet in the world. The most enticing feature of this animal is that a bird can talk or even sing. The leather of the bird is one of the most amazing features that the home owners can have. The most popular bird chosen as a pet is parrot.
4. Fish

If you have watched Finding Nemo, probably you will be interested to have a fish located on the aquarium. Even though the owner of this pet is unable to cuddle or hug it, you may perceive that seeing the swimming fish on the aquarium can be a pleasurable activity. Some of the fish that you can have at home is goldfish or even piranha if you like.
5. Hamsters

The next most popular pet that you may get can be in the selection of hamster. This pet is so popular among the kids in elementary school even though some adults also like to have it as one of their pet collection. You have to prepare a cage with a wheel as a home for this animal.
6. Rabbits

Rabbit is also the most popular pet in the world. This animal is provided in many colors like black, white and brown. Most of children as well as young girls like it much. This jumping animal is great to play with if you have much leisure time.
7. Ferrets

On the seventh place of the most popular pet, you may see ferret has taken this position. Some people consider that having ferret as a pet is an odd decision for ferret has a hyperactive quality. However, some people think that it can protect them. If you have ferrets at home, you should keep your children away from them.
8. Turtles

The next most popular animal that you may count is turtle. It is included in reptile species. The owner of turtle should prepare a container filled of water used to accommodate this animal. Even though it can live in the land, you should know that a turtle is a water based animal.
9. Snakes

Let’s see snake as the most popular pet in the ninth position. For some people this animal is so awful and terrible to have at home since it is wild and can bite the owner. You need to be careful with its poison. If you want to have a safe snake at home, you may pick the nonpoisonous one.
10. Iguanas

On the tenth position of the most popular pet, you will have iguana. This lizard is available in average size. The people who love to have it as a pet usually are young boys. The best feature that you may see from iguanas is the changing color based on the environment.